• b.BN (Bürotime Business Network)

    Bürotime wants to expand the business experience it acquired through its b.BN business network including 60 sales points in Turkey and over 40 globally, by carrying it over to different geographies with new sales points. Thanks to b.BN, a new member of the family has fast access to the experience gained in Turkey and the world, while it is able to focus its attention only on business development. Over this platform, where all processes of sales points are monitored, members have full command on business flow processes, while at the same time they consistently improve themselves through instant action ability and special incentive methods.

  • Showroom

    Our showrooms are points where our corporate identity, business model, products and solutions meet our customers. Therefore, the location and physical conditions of a showroom has crucial importance. Bürotime supports its dealers both financially and with its workforce and experience in all phases from product placement to decoration, and from exterior siding to signboards; and provides special terms for initial installation display products.

  • Marketing Support

    With marketing support, we define our brand in international markets and set measurable maximum targets as well as building brand awareness and create a positive buzz around the brand’s name. The marketing plan can be selected the activities, which are newspaper & magazine, radio & TV broadcast, billboard and social media. Also marketing activities are supported by following materials; brochures & catalogues, color charts, web site. These activities are decided by a budget study prepared in accordance with the branding objective and prepared considering the effectiveness of the market.


    Our new system is coming soon and all business processes is integrated via our business platform. With, all pre-sales activities, such as standardized proposals and project presentations, Order Management, all after sales activities, problem reporting, order / product follow-up and statistics will be performed.

  • (Bürotime Academy) provides all b.BN members with personal development training throughout the year, aside from the product and technical training sessions, evaluates training results, and follows up through a coaching system. With the “lifelong training” principle, b.BN contributes to their members correctly managing both the sales and post-sales business processes, and to their achievement of their business goals, as well as personal development.

  • Special Business Conditions

    With special business conditions, we increase sales in the region where our franchisee store is located and enable them to be competitive in special tenders and projects. With our franchise agreement we offer following business opportunities to our business partners; Exclusive Bürotime Franchise in its territory, special discount by project and bid, project support , rebate based on yearly sales target achievement.